Best Practices for SEO Copywriting in 2022

In 2022, the face of SEO copywriting has completely changed. Google is regularly updating its algorithm. Content writing now is all about writing compelling, engaging, useful, relevant and interesting content. Here are some best practices for SEO copywriting for 2022; all adhere to content creation and SEO guidelines:

Write naturally:

In 2022, SEO copywriting referred to quality – write for humans and optimize for search engines or crawlers. Nobody, not even the robot, wants to read keyword stuffed content. Google prefers natural content. So focus on your target audience, what they want and write in a manner that can be easily find by robots.

Engage your audience:

Start with a magnetic headline that will attract wide audience. Engaging means you are attracting your readers. Once you’ve got their attention, you can keep them engaged with interesting information. Be relevant — relevancy is crucial to engaging your audience. So also writing to the point attracts the audience.

Information of value:

People want the correct info about the product or service they are going to purchase. They want content that tells them what it does, how it stands up in the industry, and how it can benefit them.

Long and Deep:

Search engines never mention the word count. But according to webmasters and content writers, posts that have 300 words or more generally perform better as they are more likely to engage.

Make It Skimmable:

Your page should be easy to scan and read. Include headings, sub-headings and bullets. Highlight key points by using impressions (bold and italics).

Keyword Research:

Write content on the basis of keyword research, what keywords are trending, what people are looking for. You can do this with the help of Google’s Keyword Planner.

Take Advantage of Long Tail:

Long tail keywords may have smaller search volume; however traffic quality will be higher as the visitors, who are more specific, are likely to convert. Sub-headings of long tail keywords will tell the search engine what your content is all about.

Link out in the Body:

Linking to source sites, relevant and authority sites is good, but remember not to give a link in the intro (first 200 words) of your content.

Create Keyword-Rich Headings:

Put your topic in heading (H1 tag), to tell search engines what your content is about.

Title tag and Snippets:

Well written snippets describe your content to search engines, and when readers can easily find their stuff, it compels them to click on read more.

Image Optimization:

Many writers use images, but rarely do they optimize them for search. We need to remember, Google doesn’t crawl images. To optimize image for search engine, use your main keyword in the file name and alt tag. Search engine crawls the ALT tag and indexes the image.


Firstly understand your target audience, for whom you are writing, and then optimize your content for search engines to reach your audience. Get your content noticed and shared by social media.

Have anyone of the above practices worked for you? What we have missed here? Share your suggestions in the comment box below.


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